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Bahemuka Oliver - Hoima District

After attending a Change Agent Training course in 1996, Bahemuka Oliver started humbly using the acquired skills and got engaged in small scale training business dealing in food stuffs in Hoima Town, Western Uanda. Her networking skills enabled her to join National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) group in her area. She was then selected to become a NAADs beneficiary in 2010 and was given 200 chicken layers.

She too injected in this project the money she obtained from her small business to provide the following: housing and equipment including maintenance and payment for labour. During that time, she lost only 10 heads of chicken due to diseases and 20 heads that were instead males; Bahemuka looked after her 170 heads of poultry project and she used to collect over 150 eggs each day.

The project was so beneficial to her and she was able to earn a living, cater for basic house hold needs, paid school fees for her children and is living a happy life now. She encourages Change Agents to uplift their networking skills and develop their personal income generating projects.


Uganda Change Agent Association

Plot 30 Rashid Khamis Road. P.O. Box 2922, K'la, UG.

by phone: (256) 41 4236907

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